Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Hunger Games to Josh Hutcherson's jawline.

The Lefebvre Twins finally saw The Hunger Games movie together last night. For Elizabeth, Round 2 (we won’t go into that, but she saw it without Caroline, even though she promised she wouldn’t, and Caroline shit a brick over it) and for Caroline, Round 3. We are O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D. Or, well, maybe one more than the other. So, henceforth and forevermore, here are our thoughts on The Hunger Games movie.


--We would personally like to fly to Australia and have the pleasure of shaking Mr. and Mrs. Hemsworth’s hands. On behalf of the world.

--It’s one thing to reproduce the most beautiful man in the history of ever. They made two.

--”I wish I was as pretty as you”- Primrose Everdeen. Um... not with those eyebrows.

--Jennifer Lawrence. Are you looking for some new best friends that happen to be twins?  WE VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTES

--Josh Hutcherson’s face when his name is drawn in The Reaping. It’s like two kittens were picked up by a falcon and ripped to shreds by the talons. #truestory

--The last thing I want to Woody Harrelson’s nasty foot. In the vicinity of JHutch’s jawline.

--You’d think that drunk could afford a PedEgg.


--Is that the Capitol or Dinotopia?

--I bet that’s what Lady Gaga’s Sim City looks like.

--Oh look, it’s Lenny Kravitz playing Lenny Kravitz.


--Seneca Crane majored in man-scaping. We wonder what his chest hair must look like...

--” And next we have...What is the background?”--Caeser. Pee. in. our. pants.

--We could watch JHutch throw that weight over his head every day. For the rest of our lives.

--”Thanks for your consideration.” *S MY D*

--Because she came here with me. Slight aneurysm.

--Glimmer post-Tracker Jacker attack  =

--“Can you sing?” *BAWL UNCONTROLLABLY*

--FUN FACT FUN FACT. Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid’s son killed Rue.

--Peeta’s camouflage. Both shocking and effing HILARIOUS at the same time.

--Did Davy Jones recruit him?

--”I watched you walk home every day. Every day.”  Proceed to melt like Alex Mack.

--If you don’t remember Alex Mack, your 90’s kid card is revoked.

--OH BOO HOO, GALE. Just go eat your feelings. Oh, wait.

--WTF FOXFACE.... a.k.a. our thoughts the entire movie...

--Muttation jumps out at Peeta = Pooping.

--Our thoughts as Peeta helps Katniss onto the Cornucopia: “STOP IT. SAVE YOURSELF. DO YOU ENJOY HAVING LEGS?!”

--Can someone give Cato a Wetnap? I mean...he’s getting blood everywhere.

--Elizabeth: How is Peeta totally clean shaven?
 Caroline: Maybe he can’t grow any...

--I’d be horrified if a cute boy touched my hair after I just spent two straight weeks in the wilderness.

--Is it bad if Nightlock makes you hungry? We wonder if it goes good on oatmeal.

--”I don’t want to forget.”  *proceed to fetal position.*

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

When this Boy Meets World....

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or you’re under 12 years old, you will know that MTV has recently begun playing "Boy Meets World" reruns in the afternoons. We honestly wonder how we went all these years without our daily dose of FEEENAY, FEEEHEEHEEEHEENAY. That’s why kids these days are snot-nosed little Bieber-loving entitled brats, they didn’t have the gloriousness of Feeny or The Matthews teaching them valuable life lessons every afternoon.

Therefore, let’s spend time reminiscing on our fondest BMW recollections and burning questions:

--Did we ever find out why Feeny managed to travel with them from middle school, to High School, all the way to their fake Pennsylvania university? That’s not awkward.

--Where the hell did Minkus go? Oh to be weird in Tree Hill, North Carolina. Again.  

--Sometimes we wonder what we stumpy Lefebvre twins would look like standing next to that ginormous red-head girl, Rachel. She's literally a beast. “HIS NAME IS KELSEY GRAMMAR.”

--When Eric cut his hair, a Beanie Baby puppy died. Too soon?

--When Matt Lawrence joined the show, a Beanie Baby puppy was born.

--If we were being honest, we probably would not be very close with Shawn Hunter in real life. This would have nooothing with his uncomfortable family debacle, his homelessness, or living with our teacher.

--Not sure what happened to Mr. Turner, but what a LET DOWN seeing that stud and mullet go. Remember his token black teacher friend? Fun times in Philly.

--When we think our final exams are too hard, we would ABSOLUTELY vandalize our high school and our teacher’s house! Because we know they live.

--Hey gangster bully, WEREN’T you the big guy that overcame adversity and bonded with black people on a newly integrated football team in Remember the Titans? And sang gospel surprisingly well?

--Topanga and Cory make every other relationship look like DOODY. A big stinkin’ pile o’ doody. You will find them next to the word “soulmate” in the dictionary.

--”What should we name her, honey? Oh, I KNOW. Topanga. Beeeauuuutiifull!”

--We never thought twelve year olds hung out at the same BAR as their teachers. We stand corrected.

--Why couldn’t they just go home and play the Sims like the rest of us?

--Why did their university student union look like a coffee shop? And why were there only 10 people...

--The moment when Topanga became pretty. And then when she got....big boned?

--The moment when you’re never reeallly sure when Cory became cute.

--Eric got a B-. *slow clap*

--Alan was kiiiind of a FILF. And by kind of, we mean definitely.

--That SCARY ASS Halloween episode. That’s all that needs to be said really.

--We’d babysit Morgan FO FREE.

--That moment when Cory mentions Beavis and Butthead and the live audience cheers. #90sproblem.

--Will Friedle. (My Date with the President’s Daughter, anyone?)

--When 13 year olds protest by making a linked human barrier. FOOL PROOF.

--Never quuuiiite being sure if Cory was a dork or popular.

--If Ben Savage wasn’t already accomplished by 13, he went to Stanford.
--Shawn Hunter was in Cabin Fever. ROFL.

--Topanga endorsed Nutrisystem. ROFLx1000

--Feeny is still alive. *slow clap*

--Any human being with a soul who claims they didn’t cry in the final episode....clearly does NOT 
have a soul and is a straight-up liar and doesn’t deserve your friendship.

--”Do good.” *sob uncontrollably.*